Sunday, May 1, 2011


 [Giving up isn't hard. Be it anything or anyone. What hurts most is the emptiness that it leaves...]

: "Yume." Do you still remember her..?
Her name had started online. On a certain site, in a certain place.
Her dream once existed, in the mind of one, in the eyes of many... Yet one day it disappeared. 

...She doesn't want this to happen...

 *sigh* But what could she do..?

Yes. It ish true, her real name isn't 'Yume Usagi-chan'. But who are they to tell her what is 'real' and whatnot..? 

...She didn't admit that. She didn't want to create another her. She doesn't want to admit to anyone that denied her existence. . .

Giving up ishn't hard. It's just shrugging off the past as if nothing has happened. It's just facing the other direction and forgetting whatever got put behind... 

But that ish not true.

Giving up leaves an empty space. A hole in our minds. Somewhere, something ish supposed to fill...

Yume misses everyone she met and knew. 

She didn't even get the chance to thank you. She doesn't want this end just yet...

After thinking and thinking, Yume has come to a decision. . .

She will make everything come back together again.

Pieces of her memories. Of the person she knew and everyone knew.

Her name ish Yume. And no one can change her.

This account ish for those that wants to find out a bit more truth about Yume.
She ish just your normal girl, but not your average girl.
Know about her and wonder.
She ishn't who you think she ish. 

And now she propose a pledge.
A challenge.
To herself, and to everyone.   

A Hundred Promises. A Hundred Truths. A Hundred pages from a Dream's Diary.

She will promise not to deceive herself anymore. Her dream ish not a mere mask to hide her true self. In return, she ask of you nothing but be true to her. 


And then, it ish up to you to decide.

---------[She is a princess. Lost in Wonderland.]



  1. Yumeee :D
    Ur always urself :D
    We love you for being u.
    fake or not :D

  2. we love yume ^_^
    yume ish kind girl
    everyone luv yume <3

  3. Deal. ^__^
    Friends are great. I can become one if you want me to be your friend. xDD
