Sunday, May 8, 2011

Rebellion : Against..?

Sometimes, we just want to make some sense in our lives.
Whatever the reason might be. Whatever the way we choose.

Sometimes, we just want to find something in our lives.
Whatever it might be Whatever it will be...

Sometimes, we just want to find a place in this world.
Wherever that might be, wherever that will be.

...And sometimes, all we are looking for is a bit of ourselves.
Not bowing down to the common opinions. To be us just for the sake of ourselves, and no one else.

Us ne, we have a common problem...
Be it that we notice it or not, it's shown to some degree//
We all tend to bow down to thee common opinions of the public. 
We all care about what other people say, no matter how much we pretend not to care. 

We cannot escape. Because we are all chained together. 
We have no means of expressing ourselves, our real selves.. Because we are all repressed by that reality.
We all want to be free, but we can't, because it's part of the social contract we have exchanged for order.

Yume ish sick and tired of that.

Yume doesn't want herself to be just another puppet.
It's suffocating. . . They are eating away at her personal space.


 If she ignores them she wonders if she will be hated..?
If she goes against them she wonders if they would forgive her..?

She longs to go against it but what ish there to go against..?

.... W h a t e v e r .

From today, whatever they think of her can just go ruin for all she cares.
Yesh. she knows that she might regret this someday.

But before that day comes, she declares rebellion.

Against M a i n s t r e a m .

Whatever others think has no right to bend you down . They cannot drag you down. 
We are all free, we all started free. But however, sometime along the course, along the way, we have traded it for something else. 
Something, in the name of conformity and order.

We all long to be ourselves but it ish the ones around us prohibiting that.

But from now on Yume won't care.
She has decided to throw away everything that you have known her as.

She ish who she ish and no one will deny that.

She won't care anymore about what the people say to her, say about her.

Know about her, and talk about her.
Yume ain't your normal average girl. 
She ish not who you think she ish. 

This ish her declaration. Declaration of Rebellion.
She will dare to rise, against what the popular deem as 'correct'. They have no right to determine what she should be and what she should choose. . .

Yume had always tried her best to just. . fit in. and be a good girl, one that everyone would 'normally' be happy with, but that has taken away her freedom.

From now on, she would take a big step, out of her world. 
She won't hide anymore, and speak out. 
What she feels and what she wants to say, 

And she will dare to be herself.

She doesn't care if the whole world will go against her, or that they would condemn her. 

And then, maybe that way she could finally find herself back again. ;3

"Those who matter won't care and those who care won't matter."

So if you have really accepted Yume as who she was versus who everyone thought she was this wouldn't make so much of a change would it~? ;3


--And to spark this revolution, maybe something with a little change~? :3

Ahaha yea "Review sessions" with her friends always turnout this way XD

Pfft, no don't worry she's not mean xD

And the chair was super comfyy~ <3

No comment XD

In the end Digital Cameras are still nice XD Don't mind the mess in the back Yume and her friends tend to make a big mess everytime we crash over  =P

Sunday, May 1, 2011


 [Giving up isn't hard. Be it anything or anyone. What hurts most is the emptiness that it leaves...]

: "Yume." Do you still remember her..?
Her name had started online. On a certain site, in a certain place.
Her dream once existed, in the mind of one, in the eyes of many... Yet one day it disappeared. 

...She doesn't want this to happen...

 *sigh* But what could she do..?

Yes. It ish true, her real name isn't 'Yume Usagi-chan'. But who are they to tell her what is 'real' and whatnot..? 

...She didn't admit that. She didn't want to create another her. She doesn't want to admit to anyone that denied her existence. . .

Giving up ishn't hard. It's just shrugging off the past as if nothing has happened. It's just facing the other direction and forgetting whatever got put behind... 

But that ish not true.

Giving up leaves an empty space. A hole in our minds. Somewhere, something ish supposed to fill...

Yume misses everyone she met and knew. 

She didn't even get the chance to thank you. She doesn't want this end just yet...

After thinking and thinking, Yume has come to a decision. . .

She will make everything come back together again.

Pieces of her memories. Of the person she knew and everyone knew.

Her name ish Yume. And no one can change her.

This account ish for those that wants to find out a bit more truth about Yume.
She ish just your normal girl, but not your average girl.
Know about her and wonder.
She ishn't who you think she ish. 

And now she propose a pledge.
A challenge.
To herself, and to everyone.   

A Hundred Promises. A Hundred Truths. A Hundred pages from a Dream's Diary.

She will promise not to deceive herself anymore. Her dream ish not a mere mask to hide her true self. In return, she ask of you nothing but be true to her. 


And then, it ish up to you to decide.

---------[She is a princess. Lost in Wonderland.]
